Whois.com - Free Whois Lookup (2025)

Whois search for Domain and IP

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Whois domain lookup?

A Whois domain lookup allows you to trace the ownership and tenure of a domain name. Similar to how all houses are registered with a governing authority, all domain name registries maintain a record of information about every domain name purchased through them, along with who owns it, and the date till which it has been purchased.

What does the Whois domain database contain?

The Whois database contains details such as the registration date of the domain name, when it expires, ownership and contact information, nameserver information of the domain, the registrar via which the domain was purchased, etc.

What is a Whois IP lookup?

An IP is a unique address of a server on the internet. Similar to how a telephone number allows you to connect to a specific phone on the telecom network, similarly, an IP address allows your computer to connect to a specific server on the internet.

Domain names and IP numbers are the framework upon which the entire world wide web is built.

IP numbers are assigned to networking organisations with a record maintained by governing bodies for each IP number and the organisation to which it has been assigned. A whois IP lookup allows you track the above mentioned details for a domain.

How do I conduct a Whois search?

Enter the domain or IP address for which you would like to conduct a Whois lookup in the search box above. We will query the appropriate database and provide a recent record.

How do I keep my Whois information updated?

If you have purchased a domain, the information stored with your Domain registrar is what is passed on to the Registry for the Whois database. Get in touch with your Registrar to make changes to the Whois contact information for each of your domains.

What steps can I take to ensure my domain privacy is protected?

Some Registrars offer privacy protection services that allow their customers to mask their actual contact details in the Whois search result in order to prevent their private contact information falling into the hands of spammers and scammers. Get in touch with your Registrar to learn more about your options.

Why are some entries hidden in my Whois Domain lookup?

If the owner of a Domain name has used the privacy protection services of their Registrar, some details may be hidden within the Whois lookup results. Additionally, some Registries proactively conceal some information in order to comply with local data privacy protection laws.

My information doesn't match the Whois results, how do I change my Whois information?

According to the rules established by ICANN, Registrars are expected to maintain the accuracy of the domain name owner's contact details in the Whois database. Most Registrars use the details provided by the buyer at the time the Domain was registered.

In case your information does not match the Whois results, you can change this information by getting in touch with your Registrar who will be able to assist you in updating your information. Once this information is updated, the Whois record will also update accordingly. On an average, it can take 24-24 hours for this change to reflect in the Whois database.

Can I register for new domains via Whois domain lookup?

You can use the Whois lookup service to find the registration status of a domain name. If the domain has not been registered and is available, you can use Whois.com to register the domain name.

Alternatively, if the domain name has already been registered, you can either register similar available domain names that we suggest, or use the contact information provided in order to get in touch with the owner and respectfully negotiate a sale. Do note that unsolicited contact is forbidden using the information provided via the Whois lookup service.

How do I find available domains through the Whois database?

You can check the availability of a domain name by searching for it on the Whois database. It will give you the status of whether the domain name that you are looking for is available or not. Doing this for multiple domain names over time can help you build a list of available domain names.

Whois.com - Free Whois Lookup (2025)


How do I find out who owns a domain name for free? ›

The Whois database can provide you with details such as a domain's current owner, its availability and its expiration date. With Whois info, you'll be able to check who owns a domain, find the domains that are right for you, and get one step closer to securing them.

How do I unmask a domain owner? ›

By exploring the website, investigating WhoIs, and contacting the registrar you can search for the domain owner. If your search fails, consider alternatives such as alternate spellings or domain extensions.

What does the WHOIS website tell me? ›

Whois is a widely used Internet record listing that identifies who owns a domain and how to get in contact with them. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) regulates domain name registration and ownership.

What is the difference between DNS lookup and WHOIS lookup? ›

A Domain Name lookup (also called WHOIS) retrieves the domain registration data, including the domain owner details. There is a difference between a Domain Name Server (DNS) lookup and a Domain Name lookup. A DNS lookup retrieves the IP address associated with a Domain Name.

Is there a legit free domain name? ›

Dot TK and Freenom are domain registrars that let you obtain a domain for free. They let you search for a domain, and choose from one of five, non-cost extensions: tk, . ml, .

Who actually owns a domain name? ›

Domain names are owned by whoever first registered the web address with an accredited registrar, such as Domain.com. In order for that person to maintain ownership, they have to pay registration fees and ensure that all of their contact details are up to date.

How do I find out WHOIS behind a domain name? ›

We'll explain how in 3 easy steps.
  1. Step 1: Make sure the domain is registered. ...
  2. Step 2: Navigate to a Whois Lookup portal. ...
  3. Step 3: Search for the domain name you're interested in. ...
  4. Step 4: Find the information you need in Whois records.

How do you find out who used to own a domain name? ›

The easiest way to find a domain owner's history is to use a free tool called Who.is. This provides you with a comprehensive historical record of all the registered information about the domain and previous domain owners. You can also use Wayback Machine to see any sites that have ever been built on the domain.

How do I find out who owns hidden domains? ›

What to Do if the Domain Registration Information is Hidden?
  1. Contact The Domain Registrar to Forward Your Request. The domain owner's information will often be hidden, but the domain name registrar will be visible. ...
  2. Look up Company Information. ...
  3. Reach out to The Domain Owner via Their Website. ...
  4. Hire a Domain Broker.
Dec 12, 2023

Who owns an IP address? ›

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, or ICANN is ther entity that creates and distributes all IP addresses of all formats and can be considered the actual owner of them.

What is the WHOIS lookup protocol? ›

WHOIS (pronounced as the phrase "who is") is a query and response protocol that is used for querying databases that store an Internet resource's registered users or assignees. These resources include domain names, IP address blocks and autonomous systems, but it is also used for a wider range of other information.

WHOIS hosting my domain? ›

Use ICANN Lookup

Go to lookup.icann.org. In the search field, enter your domain name and click Lookup. In the results page, scroll down to Registrar Information. The registrar is usually your domain host.

How do I find out who my DNS is? ›

Find your DNS hosting provider

On the InterNIC search page , in the Whois Search box, type your domain. For example, yahoo.com. Select the Domain option, and then click Submit. On the Whois Search Results page, locate the first Name Server entry.

What is the purpose of WHOIS in reconnaissance? ›

The Purpose Of WHOIS

This service enables users to access relevant information about the entities responsible for a domain or IP resource. Some of the primary purposes of WHOIS include: Transparency and accountability: WHOIS promotes transparency by making information about domain registrants publicly available.

How can I find out who a domain belongs to? ›

WHOIS is a protocol used for looking up information about domain names. It can be used to find out who owns a domain, when the domain was registered and when it expires, and other administrative contact information. It can also be used to find out which registrar a domain is registered with.

Can the owner of a domain be traced? ›

To find an owner, you can search the domain registration history. Domain registration history is also known as WHOIS history because it collects all WHOIS records associated with a domain, starting with the first registration. Think about domain registration history as the old way of keeping library book records.

Are domain name owners public? ›

Anyone who owns a website, whether it's for an organization, a business, or for a hobby, is required by ICANN (and also by registries not governed by ICANN) to provide accurate and full contact information for their domain. By default, this information is required to be made public.

WHOIS my domain owned by? ›

Your domain registrar is typically who you bought your domain name from. If you don't remember who your domain registrar is, search your email archives for billing records about registration or transfer of your domain name. Your domain registrar is listed on your invoice.

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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Author information

Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.